Bogen single zone paging universal telephone interface Compatible with all standard analog port types Includes 2 audio outputs with level controls, each of which can provide audio for 150 Bogen self amplified speakers Telephone interfaces loop start trunk, ground start trunk, station access analog ring up , page port contact closure activation, page port voice activation Simple 2 switch interface setup Programmable activation of AUX contacts C form contact High impedance transformer isolated background music inputs with volume control Override paging using loop start trunk or page port contact closure activation with zone group Night ringer contact closure activation Tone triggers tone and duration selectable, closure activated with individual zone groups Tone burst 2 to 7 seconds , chime or slow whoop Non volatile memory for setup data nobackup battery required Setup Tone to assistin volume setting Pluggable terminal strips Microcontroller based operation DTMF programming DTMF Block to help suppress DTMF tones over paging system Programmable timers control page duration station and trunk Wall or Rack mountable 2 Year manufacturer's warranty 20 Bogen power unitsBGUTI1