Boys Uncle Bert Costume - Large


Includes Bald Cap, Comb Over Wig, Jumpsuit with Stuffed Belly, Suspenders Does not include Glasses Cane Are you a youngster who has an old soul? Remind everyone you're not just a kid this Halloween with this grownup Uncle Bert costume. Featuring a bald cap with combover wig, suspenders and a jumpsuit just like Uncle Bert's, belly included, you'll fool everyone into thinking you're that wise old man with this Uncle Bert costume! The combover wig will fool everyone into thinking your grays came early while the jumpsuit and suspenders combination lets you get Uncle Bert's look down perfectly. Be sure to complete the old coot's look with glasses and cane accessories. Go from a youngin? to a wizened elder this Halloween by becoming Uncle Bert this year, available at Costume SuperCenter! Boys Uncle Bert Costume
Boys Uncle Bert Costume - Large

Boys Uncle Bert Costume - Large


$64.36 Retail price

Savings 50.00%

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Merchant: Market America Brands SHOP.COM/Motives Cosmetics/Isotonix

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