Gusset Slink chain 1/8 translucent purple Chgusl8u - All


Made entirely from half links, great for Singlespeeds Square riveted pins heat treated SCM steel plates with breaking strength of 1300Kgf Standard chain is approximately 850 Kgf Slink chain, 1/8 translucent purple Grind friendly straight outer plate edges are slotted to reduce weight Packaged in a round tin box. 360/474g
Gusset Slink chain 1/8 translucent purple Chgusl8u - All

Gusset Slink chain 1/8 translucent purple Chgusl8u - All


$33.95 Retail price

Savings 9.99%

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Merchant: Market America Brands SHOP.COM/Motives Cosmetics/Isotonix