PandaHall Zinc Alloy Enamel Pendants, Christmas Snowflake, with Brass Lobster Claw Clasps, Platinum Color, DeepSkyBlue, 37mm, Hole: 3mm...


Zinc Alloy Enamel Pendants, Christmas Snowflake, with Brass Lobster Claw Clasps, Platinum Color, DeepSkyBlueSize: about 37mm long, hole: 3mm; snowflake: about 17mm wide, 23mm long, 3.5mm thick.Adorable practical brass lobster claw clasp hang with charming alloy enameled pendants that for embellishing cell phones, zipper pulls, purse charms or other decorative purposes.
PandaHall Zinc Alloy Enamel Pendants, Christmas Snowflake, with Brass Lobster Claw Clasps, Platinum Color, DeepSkyBlue, 37mm, Hole: 3mm...

PandaHall Zinc Alloy Enamel Pendants, Christmas Snowflake, with Brass Lobster Claw Clasps, Platinum Color, DeepSkyBlue, 37mm, Hole: 3mm...


$1.93 Retail price

Savings 30.05%

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